Why Senyorita ?

Our Team: Our most valuable resource

The key element to our success story is the people. Utilizing a scientific based approach, we established an HR system that enables us to identify, assess and evaluate every activity and the necessary calibers to perform each task. Achieving excellence through the setup and organization of an ideal process to manage our human resources.

The HR department applies a strict non – discrimination policy and monitors closely the work environment in our facilities to ensure fair treatment and neutrality.

Inspiring our workers to continue to attain higher levels of achievement, we have designed various training and capacity building programs. Introducing innovations, improving skills, raising awareness and enhancing production methods, Americana pursues a planned strategy to maintain excellence among its workforce.

Covering over 3000 employees at various Senyorita facilities we have also initiated a program to train trainers that will ultimately build our self-sufficiency.

Our HR team utilizes creativity to tailor special support programs for different purposes. Inducing new recruits we have a dedicated program AHLAN, that assists our fresh employees to learn more about our company.

Directed at increasing morale and loyalty we enhance knowledge of Company History, Factories and branches, Products, Mission and Values ​​Americana, Departments of the company, Working Conditions, Performance Management System, Communication Channels, Senyorita Activities and initiatives.

Helping the coherence of our workforce we have designed the TAWASOL program which helps create links and bridge gaps between all levels of our hierarchical structure assuring the commitment of the company to fulfill its obligations towards all its employees in the areas of work environment, salaries & benefits, employee relations, career path,  listening to recommendations from employees.

We encourage excellence through the Employee of the Quarter, honoring best performance and productivity with certificates, acknowledgement and financial incentives.

To enhance the competitive spirit, we participate regularly in popular sports activities. Organizing competitions to entertain a wide range of interests the HR department plans regular events at the different production locations.

Giving our workforce the opportunity to spend quality time with family and loved ones we have extended our scope to arrange for summer holidays and getaways.

Additionally the HR department continues to develop programs that help to improve working conditions for special needs employees by applying the international standards  in and out of our facilities.


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